Welcome to EGGS
If you are over 55 and retired, please feel welcome to join the EGGS (Elderly Gentleman Golfing Society), a very well-supported section of our membership. We have met every Tuesday morning since the early seventies for a friendly nine holes of golf. Having a good cross-section of ability, and characters and with our internal handicapping system, this leads to some competitive games.
We have a busy annual itinerary with various trophies and competitions to play for, as well as having friendly matches with other clubs, home and away. We also play 5 nine nine-hole medals allowing the chance for some Seniors to keep their WHS Handicap, if unable to complete an 18-hole medal.
Kenny Gray, EGGS

Check upcoming EGGS Events: here
EGGS Competitions
Falconer Cup, Blyth Cup, Willie Lindores Trophy and Gutta Ball – 1 day competitions
Stan Monk Quaich – for the best 3 EGGS medals
Harrison Cup – for the best 20 aggregate scores throughout the year on an EGGS Tuesday
Samson Trophy – a Pairs Knockout